Utility Room
This is what was sold to me
All looks good doesn't it. However the reality was just something else. I started by having an extra electrical socket added so I could use a tumble dryer taken from my parents home, I also had the corner shelving unit removed so the tumble dryer would fit.
The first problem I identified with this room was the fact that when water went down one sink it came up in the other. Never mind I thought I'll live with it and sort it when I move in. All well and good until one day both sinks were totally blocked. Looked underneath the sink in the cupboard and the pipes were all leaking. Called in a plumber and it transpired that none of the plumbing here was adequate and all had to be replaced, along with the tap that was leaking from every possible place.
With that sorted I thought so far so good. While waiting for the report from the surveyor on what to do with bedroom 3 I thought I would tackle an odd patch of paint on the wall. Just scrape it, fill it and patch paint was my thought. Oh no. Not that simple. The paint came off in sheets. Obviously when the extension was built in 1985 they did not mist coat the fresh plaster walls. Then I got to ceiling level and there was a really thick (and I mean thick) bead of caulking which was very ugly. No problem. Just remove and replace was my thought. The next morning I came into this! There is no question in my mind that someone knew there was a leak in the roof and this had been a bodge it and scarper action.
I removed all the sodden insulation, removed all the broken plasterboard and got a dehumidifier. I also treated all the mold on the wood. On the outside I had to have the whole roof on this part of the building stripped and re-felted and re-tiled plus the flat roof area re-sealed. £2,000 I wasn't expecting to spend before moving in.
The next fun and games in this room was when I thought I would run linens through the existing washing machine while I was laying carpet in bedroom 4. Came downstairs to a flooded room. Hmmm . . . someone must have known.
I have replaced the insulation with new and new plasterboard up but with everything else going on have not had a chance to plaster and paint. That will have to wait until I am in. The tumble dryer is in place and the washing machine replaced with the one I took from mum and dad's. So one of the smaller rooms in the house has turned out to be the most expensive and its not even finished yet!
While this room is awaiting completion let's move on to the hallway (link)